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Configuration Reference

How to configure the extension

If you want to modify the configuration for the current workspace (folder), simply create a .vscode/settings.json file.

If you want to apply the configuration to all workspaces, press Ctrl + , to open the VS Code settings, then click the "Open Settings (JSON)" button in the top right corner to open the global configuration file:


Defines the tasks available in the run panel and their corresponding compilation and execution commands.


  "oi-runner-2.tasks": {
    "C++": { // Task label
      "compile": [ // Compilation command and arguments
        ["${file}", "-o${fileNoExt}", "-std=c++14", "-O2"] // The use of ${} is explained below
      "execute": [ // Execution command, required
    "Python": {
      // The compilation command can be empty; the compile button will not be displayed when this task is selected
      "execute": [
    // ...

There are special strings in the commands and arguments that will be replaced with actual information when executed:

Special StringReplaced With
${file}The absolute path of the source file
${fileNoExt}The absolute path of the source file without the extension
${execExt}The extension of the executable file, .exe on Windows, an empty string on other systems

The working directory is the opened folder.


Defines the default task selected in the run panel when a file is opened.


  "oi-runner-2.tasks": {
    "C++": { /* ... */ },
    "Python": { /* ... */ }
  "oi-runner-2.defaultTask": {
    ".py": "Python" // Files with the .py extension default to Python
    // If a file does not match any extension here, the run panel won't switch to the file


Whether to add OI Runner++ to the editor title menu.

If disabled, you need to press Ctrl + Shift + P and search for Launch OI Runner++ to open the run panel.

Format: true (default) or false.

Released under the MIT License.